Great value for money would highly recommend this to anyone!
- Trevor Larner
Fast delivery, good service and it just works
- Jan J
Good and stable products. Fantastic customer service. Can definitely be recommended. I will definitely shop here again.
- Henrik

The NEXSMART™ SMART PLUG is as easy as it gets. No hub or other device is needed. Get started within minutes - No patience needed— it's actually that simple.
Want your coffee machine, toaster, radio, lights or anything else electrical in your home to be turned on or off as soon as you wake up? With the NEXSMART™ SMART PLUG, you can customize scenes for all smart plugs to make your everyday tasks easier and more enjoyable. Create a “Good Morning” schedule to turn on the coffee machine and bedside lamp in the morning or create a “Good Night” schedule to turn off the tv, the lights, appliances and much more.

With Smart Scenarios you can set the NEXSMART™ SMART PLUG to automatically turn on or off at scheduled times, or control them remotely when you’re away, making your life easy, secure and more energy-efficient.
Keep burglars away with the integrated schedules and timers. Make schedules for when the SMART PLUG should switch on and off automatically when you’re home or away to simulate someone being home. Make a schedule for when your TV should turn on, your radio, or just the kitchen light. This will definitely scare off burglars, while also meaning you will never come home to a dark home again.
SMART PLUG Specifications
Power | AC100240V, 50/60 Hz |
Max Power | 240V/16A |
Standby Power | 0.5W |
Wi-Fi | 2.4GHz, 802.11b/g/n |
Length without plug head | 4,5CM |
Length with plug head | 8,3CM |
Width | 5,6X5CM |
Weight | 81G |

At NEXSMART™ we pride ourselves of making some of the most innovative surveillance cameras that you will ever experience. But we are not just about the products themselves. We strive to provide absolutely superior products, at a greater value for your money, than anywhere else. That is why we have chosen to opt out of the regular distribution chain, with which you are probably very familiar.
We want to change this, and therefore you will not be able to find our products in any stores. You can only buy our products right here, on our very own official website. When you buy one of our products, you are purchasing it directly from us. There are no additional cost added to fuel the distribution and retail supply chain.

At NEXSMART™ we value happy customers. We will go above and beyond to ensure that no one ever regrets their purchase from us. This effort, of course, starts with making great products, and it ends with providing the best after-sales service and warranty.
We provide a 3-year warranty on all our products. This is an all-encompassing warranty that covers every aspect of our products, from the integrity of the product's structure/shape to the coating and finish.
Additionally, all orders are covered by a 100 days full return right. If you are not satisfied with your product, we will take it back and give you a full refund. Simple as that.
Finally, we offer free shipping on all orders!